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Heleen van Echteld
Ik ben Heleen van Echteld, coördinator en distributeur Colournostics
Mijn achtergrond is hypnotherapeut en coach. In mijn opleiding zitten verschillende technieken waaronder ook NLP.
Vandaaruit ben ik ook NLP examinator bij één van de opleidingen. Sinds 2005 heb ik mijn eigen praktijk.
Via de eerste opleiding ColourComfort in 2008 ken ik Thelma en heb ik haar al die tijd gevolgd. Dus toen zij samen met Mary kwam met Colournostics was ik direct enthousiast omdat dat dat voor mij een bundeling van de kennis en vaardigheden van NLP en kleur.
Colournostics is een fantastische coachingstool omdat kleur en NLP hierin verweven zijn met elkaar.
Soms heb je wel eens dat iemand weerstand heeft om tot de kern van zijn/haar probleem te komen en als de client daar niet bv hypnotherapie bij kan komen, gebruik ik Colournostics om die weerstand te doorbreken, het werkt écht geweldig. Iedere keer ben ik weer net zo verrast over de positieve verandering die deze tool kan bewerkstelligen.

- Hypnotherapeut
- Verlieskunde
- traumaverwerking
- NLP practicioner plus examinator
- ColourComfortcoach
- Reiki 1
- RET methode
- dilemma coaching
- Colournosticscoach
Belgium Certified Colournostics Practitioners

Karin Vandergeeten
Colournostics Practitioner
Firstly, I search with you for answers to physical and emotional questions and discomforts. Because I was able to discover them all as 50+.
We work together to change your mindset about food so that it becomes a habit for you. Because what works for me doesn't always work for you. So customization.

Cindy Van den Dungen
Colournostics Practitioner
What can I do for you?
As a transformation and appearance coach I inspire and guide (highly) sensitive women to fully confess their colours, completely in connection with their authentic I so that they can take control of their own lives with confidence.

Kathleen De Pestel
Colournostics Practitioner
The combination of NLP and colour psychology can give you insights into how you can deal with problems. Is it your fear of failure or rather your perfectionism that blocks you? Are you influenced by others? Or do you care more for others than for yourself?
The Netherlands

Nicole Mochèl
Colournostics Practitioner
I love using colour in my daily life and work. Colour is energy in movement and will have also an effect on your inner feeling. Colours create a vibration that initiates a change. My goal as a vitality coach is to guide you through small and big changes in your life.

Dianne van Nes
Colournostics Practitioner
Colour Coach and Personal Stylist
Colour Coaching provides insight into the influence and meaning of the colours you (unconsciously) choose.
Experience what colour says about your personality.

Diana de Rooij
Certified Colournostics practitioner

Jolanda Oorthuis
Colournostics Practitioner
I use the language of colour because colour often says more than you can express yourself with words. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

Anne-Lies Smal
Colournostics Practitioner
I use the language of colour, among other things, because it so wonderfully goes beyond your understanding and lets your feelings speak. And that is precisely the intention.

Katrin Gudmundsson
Colournostics Practitioner
Colour has changed my life! As a caregiver and pedagogue, I worked for years with young people and families. Colour has enriched my life. The Colour Comfort method and Colournostics are great tools to use to achieve personal growth and change for all ages. Experience the power of colour, I would love to be your guide!

Agnes Haullussy-Zaal
Certified Colournostics practitioner
Als doorgewinterde kleurstylist voor het interieur weet ik wat een enorme invloed kleur op ons heeft. Kleur is een fantastisch middel om jezelf uit te drukken en je identiteit vorm te geven.
Met mijn grondige kennis van de kleurentheorie én de kleurenpsychologie help ik vrouwen om via kleur taal aan gevoelens te geven. Om zo inzicht in innerlijke belemmeringen te krijgen en weer te kunnen groeien.

Christi Houwers
Certified Colournostics practitioner
And those who have already met me know that I am passionate about my travels, my love for colour and the magic of your wardrobe. To show how beautiful life is in full colour.

Tiny Oostindie
Certified Colournostics practitioner
As a hairdresser, image consultant, make-up artist and colour interpreter, in my style advice, I always look at the total picture. It is what influences your self-image.

Erieke Duisterwinkel
Certified Colournostics practitioner
Kleur heeft de deuren naar mijn binnenwereld geopend en dát heeft mijn leven zoveel meer kleur gegeven!
Waar ik moeite had te verwoorden wat ik voelde of wat precies het probleem was, hebben de kleuren mij ontzettend veel inzicht gegeven. Wanneer jij jezelf meer wilt openen en ruimte wilt maken voor jou(w verlangens), help ik je hier graag bij. Als professioneel coach loop ik graag mee in jouw proces. Ik bied je een veilige plek. Vanuit mijn rust en met diepgaande vragen leer ik jou om tot je echte zelf te komen. Jij doet er toe en het is tijd om jezelf te laten zien.

Angela Bendanon
Certified Colournostics practitioner
I cannot imagine a world without colour. I knew intuitively from an early age which colour could mean something to me. Colournostics has finally opened my eyes. It is wonderful that with one session you immediately stand in a completely different feeling and take the steps that you have always wanted to make.

Sandra Pieterse
Colournostics Practitioner
I am Sandra Pieterse, personal branding coach, image consultant and trainer. I help people to get the best and most out of themselves.

Wilma Bouwman
Colournostics Practitioner
Colour and clothing have an irresistible attraction to each other. They are personal and an extension of yourself.

Ilonka Brakman
Colournostics Practitioner
Did you know that the answers are much easier if you choose based on COLOR instead of words? especially if you are an image thinker and an emotional person.
Let's work on solutions together using the power of Colournostics.

Elise Zeestraten
Colournostics Practitioner
My fascination with image and how someone communicates nonverbally his or her story, has brought me into the world of colour. Colour is a special and powerful means when combined with image. Colournostics gives you the opportunity to zoom in more on you, and how you tell your story.

Georgette Vierling
Colournostics Practitioner
Work on yourself and develop your own wisdom. Discover the energy and psychology of creative and colourful magical spirituality.
Interested in becoming one of our Certified Colournostics practitioners? Contact

Marjolein Bentvelzen-van der Meer
Colournostics Practitioner
Step by step you go through the process and the colours you choose to lead you to concrete, positive actions and solutions.
This fine and colourful method leads you in a constructive way to beautiful insights.
I am here to support you during this process and to ask in-depth questions.

Janneke de Lange
Colournostics Practitioner

Wendela van der Vet
Colournostics Practitioner
Als Integratief therapeut - Coach maak ik het onbewuste bewust,
zodat jij de wereld een stukje mooier kan maken, jij bent bestemd om te stralen!
Hiervoor gebruik ik o.a. de taal van kleur wat een prachtige tool is.
Ik heet je welkom in mijn praktijk, online of E-coaching
Interested in becoming one of our Certified Colournostics practitioners? Contact